Investing in the Transition to Renewables: Understanding the Infodemic on Climate Change among Undergraduates of the Faculty of Environmental Sciences in a Nigerian University
International Journal of Environment and Climate Change, Volume 13, Issue 8,
Page 1330-1342
Background: A close interlink exists between the health of man and his environment Therefore, committing to sustainable practices, building thriving communities, securing future growth potentials and strategies on adaption to related global challenges, remain key.
Objective: To assess the knowledge and perception of climate change among undergraduate students of the faculty of environmental sciences, Imo State University Owerri, Nigeria.
Methods: This was a cross-sectional analytical study of 337 undergraduates selected via multistage sampling technique. Data were obtained using self- administered semi-structured questionnaires, and analysed using statistical package for social sciences software version 22. Statistical significance was done using Chi-square test at p value < 0.05.
Results: Three hundred and twenty two (95.5%) respondents reported awareness of climate change and cited their sources of information on climate change thus: 270 (83.9%) from social media, 256 (79.5%) from television. Two hundred and thirty two (72.3%) of these 322 respondents reported the understanding of climate change. Only 90 (26.7%) of respondents had good level of knowledge on Climate change. The level of knowledge of climate change among respondents significantly vary with age (p= 0.0000), cum gender (p= 0.0000).
Conclusions: This study found apparently high awareness on climate change. The level of knowledge on climate change was poor and varies significantly with age and gender. We recommend comprehensive but, need- based environmental education to sustain awareness, impart knowledge, improve perception and equip these students with requisite interventions strategies to handle challenges linked to climate change.
- Climate change
- University students
- Nigeria
- knowledge
- perception
How to Cite
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